The day before yesterday I went to KFJH. I met Hashizaki and talked about you with him. Did you sneeze ..... ? We hope you will succeed in your wish.
We are looking forward to your good news.
Hi D'Arcy! How are you doing there? We've been missing you.
Yesterday I enjoyed Uphoria Chirihama Onsen (rotenburo).....
It's been a long time since you gave me the following words.
This time I give you the same ones.
"You are a god. You are a Roman god. You are a Greek statue.
You are Adonis. You are David. Your are Yahwe giver of life.
You are infinite. You are endless. You are Ichiro. You are
sempai. You are sama. You are Yokazuna. You are MVP. You are
the answer. Your are his highness. You are the most merciful.
You are the man. You are the champion. You are love and
knowledge. You are the all. The truth. The one-and-only. The
most on high. The voice. The father and the son. You are a
rock an island a wall. You are a force. You are Obiwan
Kenobi. You are George Lucas. You are right on. You are the
down low. You are cool."
To all my students especially to Kojima Shimada Yamada Senda
I was alive. I am alive.
Each day in life is training
Training for myself
Though failure is possible
Living each moment
Equal to anything
Ready for everything
I am alive….. I am this moment…..
My future is here and now
For if I cannot endure today
When and where will I?
Now is the time to ---